domingo, 25 de outubro de 2015

Puppy elegant crochet with Graphical and revenue. Share

Hello my friends crochet, Oii, good afternoon! See this Doggie elegant crochet. Beautiful decor. Follow the recipe and graphic. I hope you like it. Friendly crochet, crochet share with other friends. On my blog I have the most deversos crochet models. Feel free to browse. The internet is wonderful because we can find what we like, we learn, do and help others by sharing. I love crochet and also share love, hope you do too. since share what is good is healthy. kisses

g. - Needle; arrem. - Cast off; carr. - Career; corr. - Little chain; bp - Low; p.bx. - P. very low; rep. - Repeat; Job. - Work.

• Body -. With wire Swan Super Baby lilac lot 4 corr close circle with 1 p.bx. and Job. in bp in carr. Circular:

• 1st carr .: 8 bp ring. 2nd carr .: 2 bp each b.p. (= 16 p.). 3rd carr .: 16 bp 4th carr .: 2 bp each b.p. (= 32 p.). 5th carr .: 2 bp, 2 bp * 1 on p., 2 * bp, and rep. from * to * until the end of carr. (= 42 p.). 6th to 32nd carr .: 42 bp each carr. 33rd to 36th carr .: 5 bp * jumps 1 p. base * 5 bp, and rep. from * to * until the end of carr. At the end of the 36th carr., Arrem. (= Approx. 15 cm from the start).

• Fill and the body with fiber, pass a wire by p. the opening and tighten securely. Pull the wire ends into the body.

• Paws -. With the white wire lot 4 corr close circle with 1 p.bx. and Job. in bp in carr. Circular:

1st carr .: 8 bp ring. 2nd carr .: 2 bp each b.p. (= 16 p.). 3rd carr .: 4 bp, 2 bp * 1 on p., b.p. 4 *, and rep. from * * (p = 20). 4th carr. until 9th ​​carr .: 20 bp each carr. 10th carr .: 5 bp, 2 bp * arrem. together, 5 bp *, and rep. from * * 2 more times (= 17 p.). 11th to 22nd carr .: 17 bp each carr. and arrem. (= Approx. 9 cm from the start). Make 3 more legs equal to this.

• Front feet: fill and two legs with fiber and secure with p. invisible in front, centered on the bottom, with approx. 2 cm space between them and approx. 4 cm from the front edge of the body. When sewing the front legs, do so without flattening them, giving an oval shape on top of them to give some support to the body.

• Hind feet: fill the remaining two legs with fiber and attach them on the back, flat on top, centered on the "butt" of the poodle. Thus, the poodle can "sit" on its hind legs. Tail - with the wire Swan Super Baby lilac, lot 12 race, Job.. 4 carr. of bp and arrem .. Fold the strip in half lengthwise and close the seam with p. invisible. Attach the tail with dots by hand in the center of "ass".

• Neck - with the wire Swan Super Baby lilac lot 20 corr. and Job. in bp picking up the yarn from behind p. Wren. above. The 20 carr. from the beginning, arrem .. Fold the strip in half and close the ends with dots by hand. Close the bottom of the neck, put the filling and close the top of the neck. With the wire Swan Sweet, Job. 1 carr. of bp at the bottom of the neck, the right, the 3 or 4 carr. the center. This carr. will form the pompoms neck. Paste the neck at the top of the front of the body.

• Head -. With the white cord lot 4 corr close circle with 1 p.bx. and Job. in bp in carr. Circular: 1st carr .: 8 bp ring. 2nd carr .: 8 bp 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th carr .: 2 bp, 2 bp * 1 on p., 2 * bp, and rep. from * to * until the end of carr. 4th carr .: 12 bp 6th carr .: 18 bp 8th carr .: 27 bp 10th carr .: 40 bp 12th to 22nd carr .: 40 bp each carr. 23th carr .: 4 bp, * skip 1 p. base, 4 * bp, and rep. from * to * until the end of carr. Arrem .. (= approx. 10 cm from the start).

And fill your head with the fiber, pass a wire by p. the opening and tighten securely. Pull the wire ends into the head. Glue the head on the neck.

• Ears - with the white wire lot 8 corr. and Job. 22 bp all around these carr. assembly in carr. circular, as seen in the beginning of ear diagram. Go straight in carr. circular in bp 7th carr .: 2 bp, * skip 1 p. base, b.p. * 2, and rep. from * to * across the back (= 15 p.). Job. 8 more carr. and arrem. (= Approx. 8 cm from the start). With the wire Swan Sweet lilac, Job. 1 carr. of bp all around the 1st carr. ear, without pressing the pompoms (for each bp are used two segments of thin wire). Make another ear the same as this.


Gift centralized ears on her head, with dots by hand. For hair, with the wire Swan Sweet make a cord with 12 corr. and Job. 2 carr. of bp this cord. Arrem .. Paste the hair on top of head, above the ears. Glue the eyes. With 2 strands of black thread, embroider eyelashes of each eye on p. straight. Sew the black button right in front of the muzzle. With the wire Swan Sweet make a string of 4 corr. and Job. 1 carr. of bp these corr. Stick the tip of the tail. Finally, take two turns with the wire Sweet poodle in each leg, just above the paw.

You know a little about the history of crochet? Let's take a look. The crochet is a traditional technique for decorating objects of production or parts that are used in day-to-day the bath towels, table, face, mats, tea towels, bags and clothes. Art is his inspiration and cricatividade. Crochet is derived from the French word "croc", meaning "hook". Did you know? There are several ways to produce and use crochet Them. Can be the garnish or useful objects, is really wonderful, inexpensive and very easy to the; Many people in the world today produce crochet at home and at fairs and craft shops for the sustenance Their families. And best of all, start with a very small investment, almost nothing. With only a specific needle to crochet one ball of string, scissors and a lighter and a lot of inspiration you can start production. This tasty, healthy and profitable art is composed of points, presented below, Which are made with a needle and thread or yarn. Be as you wish. The scissors and lighter are used in finishing, not to tear your work and be intact. See points crocheted below: • Very low; • Point little chain; • Double Point or double high point; • Three or high triple point. I hope you have tanned. I wish all the girls who love to crochet good inspiration in the works. Good crochet. good crochet. kisses.

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